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Marcin Morawski

#hot16challenge2 graphed

A tree of submissions to #hot16challenge2. Click here for a larger version

The Polish Hip-Hop community started a viral crowdfunding campaign to support our healthcare workers. It's called #hot16challenge2 and the rules are:

  1. Record a 16-verse song, publish it online
  2. Nominate 4 artists to do the same

So far, almost 800 artists and public figures have participated, including the president (no joke). They've raised 2.3 million Polish zloty (~500,000 USD).

The submissions form a nice tree structure. The official website has a graph of it, but it's completely unusable.

I wrote a scraper and used graphviz to generate a nicer tree. You can see the final result here. Font size corresponds to the amount of views. Clicking on nodes should take you to the corresponding videos.