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Marcin Morawski
  1. Hiking in the Julian Alps (incl. intro to the Alpine hut system)
  2. Moving this website to 11ty
  3. Home audio with HiFiBerryOS
  4. A quick and dirty guide to designing and making stencils
  5. The case for electrification and solar power
  6. The UK is making protest illegal
  7. Are carbon offsets useful?
  8. A (supplemental) guide to the Cordillera Blanca Traverse
  9. A hydrogen strategy that makes sense
  10. A very brief summary of 6th IPCC report
  11. Protein in vegan diets
  12. Ultralight backpacking in the Scottish Higlands
  13. #hot16challenge2 graphed
  14. Building a fluidic control board